Friday, April 21, 2006

I really ought to check in here more often.

Well, first off the bat -- DoItDigi's Survivor was cancelled very early on in the game. It was one of those things where everyone but you seems to know what happened, and I, of course, am the one who doesn't know. But these things happen. On we go.

I'm still completely fascinated by artist trading cards (ATCs), and am enjoying swapping postcards in the mail via Postcrossing. (In fact, you can see the postcards I've received at my Postcrossing blog.)

Today I was looking up old friends at my university's alumni database, and I realized how long it had been since I posted anything here. I hereby commit to posting to this blog at least once a week. And if I don't, someone remind me?


1 comment:

Lisa said...

I've linked your blog so you better start posting regularly! ^_^