Thursday, August 31, 2006

The most wonderful time of the year.

Well, okay. I'd be lying if I claimed that part of me didn't panic when I looked down at the sidewalk and saw those leaves. I stared at them for a long time, and next thing I knew, I had my camera out. Because they stopped me dead in my tracks, I had to record the moment for posterity. It's what I do.

I am anxious to go back to work. I miss the kids. Last year ended abruptly for me, thanks to the unpredictable nature of some health problems I was having. (Luckily, the gallbladder is somewhat of a spare part and mine is now gone.) It has been three-and-a-half months since I was in a classroom, and although part of me is lamenting the end of "summer vacation", I have been ready to go back for weeks now.

And then there's the stationery. Between being an "on-call educational specialist" (my high-falutin'-résumé-speak for substitute teacher), and getting in touch with my inner writer, I'm going ga-ga over pens, paper, binders ... you name it. Staples is calling my name, and I'm running to heed the call.

But my first thought when I saw those leaves?

Impending winter.

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