Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Itchy Travellin' Feet

Anyone who knows me knows that I start to get a little loopy if I sit still for too long. Maybe it comes from having moved so much as a kid. Who knows? All I know is that I love to be on the move.

Right now I am planning a trip to a book launch in Ontario. (My favourite author, Susanna Kearsley, is finally releasing a new book, this time under the name Emma Cole.)

I'm also going to spend some quality time in Montreal on the way home. My grandfather was from Montreal, and on of the things I want to do is see if I can recognize his apartment building, among other things.

I just hope I can swing it financially, because I will be crushed if it falls through.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Road trips are fun. Are you still thinking of making a trip at the end of October?