Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Miramichi, NB

Coming into Miramichi, it really is dark now. I hope they turn off the overhead lights soon -- all I can see when I look at the window is my own reflection.

The elderly French-speaking couple from the bus from Saint John are a few seats up the aisle from me. Across the aisle, there are two girls from Australia, and somewhere ahead of me is one very unhappy toddler. I knew bringing headphones was a great idea. Hopefully, for the sake of the child (and everyone within earshot ), she will be getting off in Miramichi.

In some ways, I'm kicking myself for not buying Susanna Kearsley / Emma Cole's new book. I could be reading it now. But I promised myself I'd hold off until Whitby, so ... Good thing I loaded up the LifeDrive with trial versions of a bunch of games before I left home.

Oh, the child is leaving. I'm glad. She really sounds like she just wants to go to bed, and there's nothing worse than just wanting to go to sleep and not being able to.

Speaking of which, these overhead lights can go away anytime now. *grin*

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