Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Moncton, NB

Okay, I am excited now. It hit me the moment the train came into view. I did have a sad moment walking in the station, thinking about my poor Pepsi, but that was quickly overtaken by the realization that it would be my last opportunity to use a toilet that wasn't moving for about seventeen hours.

These newer train cars are great. Down one side of the aisle is a row of single seats, so, unlike the last time I took the overnight train to Montreal, I don't have to sleep in the dome car to give room to my very-pregnant teenaged seatmate. (Someone, incidentally, I'd never met before but who shared her sonogram images and stories of how she and her boyfriend were going to live happily ever after, just as soon as he got out of jail, for a crime he naturally didn't commit).

Yes, the opportunity to have my own space rocks, and when you add in the fact that my seat has an electrical outlet to keep the LifeDrive full of juice, and a huge fold-out table space on which to write, I am a very happy girl.

Oh, look! It's the beverage cart!

Life is soooooo goooooood.

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