Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holiday Blues

I'm curled up on the bed under my new "special lightbulb". I picked up a "daylight" fluorescent bulb in the hopes that it will pick me up a little. I'm doing my best to fight off hibernation. My Seasonal Affective Disorder is the worst it's been in years and years. I imagine a lot of it has to do with so much personal loss this year, too. I just keep telling myself that spring is eventually coming, and doing my best to forget that winter isn't officially here yet.

Tomorrow would've been my late dog's 12th birthday, by the way. I think I'll probably feel a little better when that passes.

I'm not in the holiday spirit hardly at all this year. My tree (a real one) has been standing in my livingroom for ten days now, waiting for me to decorate it. I suspect I'll get to it tomorrow, barring a worsening of this cold that has seemed to come from nowhere. I despise the sniffles!

Today was quite fun, though. My sister and her family live about four hours away, and instead of paying Canada Post a small fortune to send our Christmas presents, we decided to do something else. Each of us drove about two hours and met half-way. I got to have breakfast with my sister. mom, brother-in-law, and two-year-old niece (upon whom my personal sun rises and sets). That trip provided me with a much-needed boost, and Princess Emily is just as priceless as ever.

If I can get to January, I'll be a-okay.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling down. The days pass so quickly; spring will be here before you know it.

Boo on colds! There are few things worse than a runny nose. And why does it switch nostrils?!

Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

missing you

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
I've watched them building that place for the past few months as i live just a few blocks away. If it wasn't for the railway tracks I'd be tempted by it too.

I guess you're out at the game tonight. Sorry i missed the meeting, but it was a bad time, what with my sweetie getting home and needing a lift and all that. Maybe next time.
