Saturday, March 24, 2007

So close ...

... and yet, so far.

I'm in Fredericton, waiting for my carpool heading to a meeting in the Miramichi, and I'm sitting as physically close to Chapters as I can possibly be without actually being *in* Chapters.

Chapters, unfortunately, does not open until 10:00 AM, the same time I'm to meet my ride. Fortunately for me, Starbucks *is* open, and so I'm sitting here, using free wireless, eating a yummy mini-cinnamon loaf, and drinking a Chai latte. I'm also leaning into the flexible door/barrier that separates me from the magazine section at Chapters, trying to read the article teasers on the covers.

It will be interesting to see what is stronger as I get back here at the end of the day -- my fear of hitting a moose in the Geary woods and a desire to be home before dark, or my need to spend some quality time in Chapters.

I wish they would just hurry up and build one in Saint John already.


Lisa said...

I hear that! Apparently we currently don't meet their business model. They like to be attached to or in the parking lot of a big mall or attraction, neither of which we have. Unless they kicked out Sears or Zellers... I hear we're getting a super hotel out east though, so maybe we'll get one then...

Anonymous said...

I WANT A CHAPTERS! If we can't even have a decent independent bookstore that sells new books, then I want a freakin' Chapters. (I would actually prefer both.) I was very sad on my way to Halifax last week when the bus went by Chapters in Moncton, but then I got to go to CHapters in Halifax the next day, so it was all good.

mtlanglo said...

I was in a nice bookstore on Prince William Street when I was down- but I think they didn't sell many new books- but it was a nice change.