Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"The blogs, they are a'changin'..."

The time has come to integrate my blogs. I don't post often enough to any of them to keep anyone interested, and now that Blogger allows tags, it just seems silly to keep so many different ones for different facets of my life.

Therefore I have decided that I'm going to gradually put several of them together. It's going to take a while, but that's okay. I may as well organize at least one part of my life! The only two blogs that will not be integrated into this one are the "Workin' with Frank and Jim" blog, which is pretty topic-specific, and the "Thousand Days Plus One" which has an important (and very lengthy!) list on the side of it.

Because I'm going to have quite a number of graphics on the page, I've had to opt for a rather plain background. I'll miss my lighthouse, but hey. You gotta do what you gotta do. *grin*

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