Monday, May 21, 2007

If the whole world were a giant wi-fi zone ...

... I'd be able to update this more often! *grin*

This working three jobs (supply-teaching, tutoring, and Michaels) is very rewarding, but exhausting and time-consuming! But overall, I'm enjoying it. Yesterday at Michaels I wrestled one of my demons (fear of the cash register) to the ground, and got to do some simple framing. Very cool stuff! And the very first person I rang through my cash was my pal, Deb, who I hadn't seen in a zillion years. So after work, we got together at Mickey-D's and had a good ol'-fashioned gabfest.

There really isn't a whole lot new and exciting. I'm still entered in the Queen of the Crop contest at Scrapbook Graphics, but so are the other ninety-nine contestants. I guess it gets narrowed down to the finalists next weekend.

Here are my entries for Week Two and Week Three. I'm completed Week Four but it's not able to be posted until it gets on their site later in the week.

Week Two's theme was "Make a Wish". Although I talk about lottery tickets and spend far too much time window-shopping on real estate sites, overall there aren't too many things (besides a new car) that I'd really wish for. I think wishes should be reserved for the truly impossible; most other things can be achieved if you really want them enough.

I did the journaling on this lay-out using my tablet. I wanted it to be very personal, and the fact that I'm still getting used to writing on the tablet added a certain child-like quality to it -- very appropriate.

Week Three's theme was "The Ordinary and Every Day Moments". I had a hard time deciding what to do with this one, until I had a little help from the cats! I decided to write about how my day starts each and every morning, but to do it from the point of view from outsiders looking in. Trying to figure out what kind of perfect stranger would be looking at this scene made me make an extraterrestrial leap: ALIENS! I had a lot of fun with this lay-out, and the fact that I got to journal using pseudo-science-speak was even more fun. With so many entries into this contest, I sometimes wonder if people are actually able to read through all of them before voting, but if they get to this one, they might think I'm nuts! *grin*

The "brain detox" is still going well. I find that by being "blissfully unaware" of the strife in the world, I feel better. I am, however, becoming somewhat addicted to watching "Mythbusters"!

Betsy, the car, is in really bad shape. There is no way I'm going to be able to get her fixed before the safety inspection is due, so I guess she'll be my "saving up for" project for June and July. I have a feeling I'm going to really resent taking the bus, especially since it takes me eight minutes to drive to Michaels and it will take probably the better part of an hour by bus (assuming the bus on my route is running at the time I need to take it).

Our wedding anniversary was fun. Hubby got me a really thoughtful gift. He remembered how much I love horses and so he gave me four gift certificates for trail rides at the local stables. I haven't been on a horse in twenty-five years (and I'm not convinced I can haul myself up into the saddle), but I can't wait to go!

The Daily Doodle has been put on the backburner for now, as I just don't have time to keep up with posting them. I'm hoping to resurrect it in the summer.

And that's the news from here.


Anonymous said...

I really like the cat one! I gave Jody a stuffed dog as part of his Valentine's Day gift, and he named it "Quadruped." She's called Quaddie for short.

Scrappytbear said...

Wow have you ever been busy. You and your sister are Micheal's twins huh? lol.
Cute doodles.

Anonymous said...

It seems like everyone's working at places that I want to work at. :p Mary working at Coles, you working at Michaels . . . Though really, I don't know how you can stand doing three jobs at once! One's more than enough for me!