Friday, January 04, 2008

It comes in threes ...

First, it was my boot. I pulled too hard on the velcro strap and it pulled apart. Now it flaps against my other foot with every step that I take. Annoying, to say the least.

Then, it was Betsy. How my car knows it's payday is beyond me. I asked Hubby to warm up my car for me, and when I got out to her, I thought it was odd that her lights were off. I got in and drove to the Superstore, and she just drove ... weird. I came out of the Superstore and she wouldn't start. The engine turned over, but she died, and both the battery and oil lights came on. After calling Hubby (I'm such a "damsel in distress" sometimes), I checked the oil, saw that it was low, and added more. Hubby came and I asked him to try it, and lo! Betsy was coaxed back to life.

Then I got home and sat down on the bed with the Palm LifeDrive, with the intent of doing a little bit of work with it. It froze up, as it has been wont to do lately, and so I reset it. The hard drive started making the Clicking Noises of Death (tm), and it froze on the PalmOne screen. I tried a hard reset. I tried turning it off. I tried everything. It's dead, Jim.

I loved my Palm.

I need my Palm.

Somebody help me ...

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