Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Moving on ...

This post was very nearly called "Picking Up the Pieces", but given that I've just arrived home with Stormy's remains, I thought better of it. (Feel free to emit an awkward laugh. I did. *grin*)

I left a copy of Stormy's obituary, as well as a print of my favourite photo of her, at the vet. They have a lot of pictures and things of their patients, both past and present. It made me feel better.

My cold has most definitely moved into my chest. I'm hoping against hope it doesn't get too comfy in there, because I really don't want to have to miss time from work. I'm consuming as much Vitamin C as I can get my hands on, and we all know that "resting" is never a problem for me (especially in February!), but I don't know if I'm going to be able to ward off anything worse than what I have now. No point in worrying about it, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, just the same.

In the meantime, I'm going to do some artsy stuff this afternoon. Some of the kids at school are keen to swap artist trading cards, so we're having our first-ever swap session on Monday. I'd like to have some things they haven't seen before up for trades. I would love to go out to Michaels, pick up some felt, and do some experimenting. But I guess it will have to wait until another time.

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