Monday, March 17, 2008

All I have to do is dream ...

The number one reason I miss my Palm Lifedrive? My dream journal is suffering.

My dreams are frequently very vivid, and, in keeping with my being a writer, usually have a plot. Setting and conflict. Rising action, climax, and (if I get to it before the alarm clock) dénouement. Often I wake up thinking, "What a GREAT story! I should write this!"

Back in the good old days, I would reach over to my bedside table, grab the Lifedrive, and write down each and every single detail I could remember, before my feet hit the floor. It's very rare that I remember anything once my day gets underway (unless something triggers a memory, and even then, it's only a flash).

And now the absolutely amazing dream I had last night is completely gone from my memory, save for the main character's name, which I repeated over and over again until it was engraved.

And no -- I won't tell you what it is until I write about her. It's a cool name and I don't want to risk someone out there stealing it. Yes, it's THAT cool. *grin*

And how is your Monday going so far?

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