Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Well, I managed to remember my PIN and register for the three courses I wanted. They are:

CHEM 1831: Chemistry for Non-Scientists. This will take care of my half-year of chemistry prerequisite.

STAT 2263: Statistics for Health Sciences. This will take care of my half-year of stats prerequisite.

SCI 2001: Intro to Space Studies. Although not actually a prerequisite, if I take another, extra, half-course, it will make a difference in my average. The dental school looks at your last five full courses, and if I take another half-course now, it will mean that the black hole in my transcript from twelve years ago will not be a factor.

I emailed all three professors a few weeks ago, to get an idea of what textbooks I’ll need. It sounds like the only “book” will be for the stats course — the other two courses are either a $25 paperback and a set of notes you buy for twenty bucks, or readings from the library and the net. In other words, I’m not looking at five hundred dollars for textbooks, and that makes me happy! The tuition is hard enough to come up with!

Assuming that the dentistry school is fine with my credits from my BA serving to fulfill the writing, sociology, and psychology prereqs, then that just leaves the full-year Biology course, which I can take through Dalhousie’s Distance Ed Dept.

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