Friday, March 07, 2008


I am starting to think that I've bitten off more than I can chew.

It's all a bunch of little things, so they kind of sneak up on you. You turn around and there's this giant pile that makes you want to just go crawl back under the covers and hope it all goes away.

But it doesn't. It grows. And festers with anxiety.

Logically, I know that once I get going, I'll be fine. Once I start ticking all the little things off the to-do list, the feeling of achievement will give me the energy to keep going.

But I think I'm going to have to do some life re-organization. At this time of year, when my energy is scarce, I should probably be expending a little bit more of it on me.

Less than two weeks 'til I'm starting to feel human again.

I like the sounds of that.

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