Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tuesday night update

Hello, Gentle Reader,

I'm just sitting here, quietly hooking and watching the Sea Dogs play in Bathurst via the webcast. The game is tied right now, and it really could go either way.

I got another estimate for Betsy's rust problems, and $400 plus tax sounds much better than the other estimate of a thousand bucks. I am quite relieved. She'll be going in next Monday, leaving me without a car for two or three days, but I'm sure I'll live. The muffler problem will be taken care of this coming Friday, and it will be interesting to see if this low-lying headache I've had for the last few weeks goes away with it!

I didn't teach today, but I taught art yesterday afternoon, and afterschool I stayed to continue playing with the press and some paint. A few of the students stayed too, and we basically finger-painted for an hour or so. The results were quiet elegant (even if I do have blue cuticles that are resistant to soap and water!).

Tomorrow I'm teaching French. Should be a good day.

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