Sunday, January 23, 2011

A bird in the hand.

A bird in the handToday Hubby, Piper and I went up to Rockwood Park to take pictures and see what could be seen.  Besides bumping into my friend Kattsby, we saw deer, juncoes, squirrels, and blue jays.

But the highlight of the afternoon for me was being a human birdfeeder.  The chickadees at the park are incredibly friendly -- at one point I had four of them perched on my hand, and three on my hat!  (It's amazing what some well-placed bird seed will do.)  It's always a surprise to feel how little chickadees actually weigh, and such a gift to be given the trust of something so gentle and delicate.

We stayed until our hands and feet were numb, once again counting ourselves blessed to have such wondrous natural beauty so close to home.  I hope my little friends, wherever they may be, are keeping warm this winter night.


Rosa Robichaud said...


Gilbert and I are amazed that you can add "Human Bird Feeder" to your biography!


Actually, you're right - we ARE lucky to be living where we are... even though it's cold out there, sometimes!

P.S. Seriously, you took some AWESOME pictures!!!!

Jozi said...

Karen that's awesome! Love that picture.

Jennifer Seely said...

Jon took a pic of me being a bird feeder too!