Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random Thoughts in the Dark

The wind is still howling out there, and according to Environment Canada's website, it is now raining on top of whatever snow we got. That slushy mess is supposed to freeze and turn to ice later when the temperature drops, and then we're supposed to get another light dusting of snow on top of that. I have a feeling that, once I manage to get into my car (most likely gaining access by crawling through the trunk), getting it down my very steep driveway is going to resemble an Olympic luge event. I just hope I don't get an "up-close-and-personal" view of Charlie's livingroom across the street in the process.

Schools, mercifully, are closed today, so being called in to work is one less thing I have to worry about. My bank account is sobbing, but mostly I'm just glad I can at least wait until light to see what's happening out there.

Forty-five minutes until the radio in the bedroom squawks to life. Hubby is off in Dreamland beside me, and I have a cat sleeping in the hollow between my shins. (I'm pretty sure, based on the weight -- or lack thereof -- that it's Stormy.)

I slept well, until the Snow Day curiosity crept into my subconscious. Good thing I remembered the radio station's website, or I'd be wondering still.

There are sirens a few streets over, a sure sign that the city is waking up to a real mess. I have a sneaking suspicion that, aside from freeing the house and cars from a brand-new glacier, today is going to be an "inside" kind of day.

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