Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It sounds wild out there. I'm not exactly sure what it's doing -- it's supposed to go from snow to ice pellets to rain and back again -- but it's definitely windy. I'm thinking school might be cancelled tomorrow.

Zaphod the Cat is angry with us. He had to go to the vet for a booster shot and he despises the car. The needle didn't bother him a bit, but the trip there and back was brutal.

When we were in the examination room with him, I got blind-sided by a flashback of the last time I was there, and suddenly I saw my lifeless dog on the table. It was rough, and writing about it now is no easier.

Time to shut off the light. My Valentine has just come to bed and wants to go to sleep. We're going to have one heck of a mess to clean up in the morning.

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