Thursday, March 15, 2007

Weird Things About Me

Since I have been tagged by both KnitKitten (six things) and Jenn (ten things), I'm going to split the difference and 'fess up.

Here are eight weird things about me:

1. Buses remind me of elephants.

2. When eating fast food burgers, I have a tendency to subconsciously fold the wrapper down into a makeshift plate.

3. I collect pictures of witty t-shirts.

4. Some of my best friends on the Internet are ones I met while pretending to be my dog.

5. Sometimes mashed potatoes make me gag.

6. As a young child, I used to strive to fall asleep while holding my feet at one-hundred-and-eighty degrees to each other so that if, during the night, I should turn into a mermaid, my tail-fins would be straight.

7. I cry every year when I take down the Christmas tree.

8. I really, REALLY hate getting water on my face. (Good thing that mermaid thing didn't work out, eh?)


Lisa said...

#6 is cute. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yeah, #6 is very cute. I thought I wanted to be a ballerina princess, but now I know I should be a ballerina mermaid princess.

Also: pretending to be your DOG on the Internet?! How on earth did that work?