Friday, April 20, 2007

The First Letter

(as seen in Christine and Ann's Facebook notes)

It's harder than it looks!

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial.

And remember - you CAN'T use your name for the "boy/girl name" question.


Your Name: Karen
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Kajagoogoo
A song: Karma Chameleon
4 letter word: Kiln
Color: Kelly Green
Gifts/present: Kazoo
Vehicle: Kia
Animal: Koala or Kangaroo
TV Show: King of Kensington
Location: Kathmandu
Boy Name: Kevin
Girl Name: Krista
Drink: Kahlua
Occupation: Knitter
Sport: Karate
Flower: (can't think of one)
Celebrity: Kirsten Dunst
Food: Kiwi
Something found in a kitchen: Knife
Reason for Being Late: Knot in shoelace
Cartoon Character: Kissyfur
Something You Shout: KOWABUNGA!!!
Store: K-Mart

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