Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Detox, Day One

I feel like I've been drowning in negativity for months now, perhaps even as long as a year. Right now I'm stressed out of my mind, to the point that I'm clenching my jaw all night long and am now suffering from headaches 24/7. Something's gotta change.

While I can't do a whole lot more about my financial stresses (Curse you, car! Curse you, clenching jaw requiring expensive dental apparatus!) than I'm already doing (I have a part-time job interview tomorrow), I have decided to eliminate as much negativity out of my life as possible. I am planning on basically detoxing my mind, body, and spirit.

First up is my mind. I have declared a moratorium on the negative stuff I spend far too many hours watching on television. I fall asleep watching CNN. I nap watching true crime shows. All of this has got to be taking a toll on my psyche at some level. And so -- I'm cutting it out. The only news I am allowing myself is the news on the radio when I get up each morning, and the local news if I'm expecting someone I know personally to be featured. That's it. Everything else is potentially too hard on the head.

I also have plans for detoxing my body but it makes more sense to feature that on Workin' with Frank and Jim.

I'll let you know how the experiment goes.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I actually don't even have cable. I rarely read the paper and I don't listen to the radio. I get my news from coming into work and the lady next to me saying "Isn't it a shame about..." The cable is deliberate (I don't understand tv), the rest just happens. I find if I get reading the paper daily, I feel kind of depressed. In this case, ignorance is bliss.

As for the stress, that's a tough one to beat. When I get too uptight, I lock myself in my quiet room and spend some time just reflecting; it usually helps.