Saturday, May 05, 2007

Pick me! Pick me!

I am currently involved in the Queen of the Crop digital scrapbooking contest at Scrapbook Graphics. The first prize is HUGE ($1000, plus $500 to a charity of your choice, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff.)

The competition is really intense! These people are truly amazing! I really don't think I'll win, but I'd at least like to make it to the next round.

In order to keep the voting fair (and probably to help generate some of the prize money), you "buy" a vote for your favourite, and in exchange for that $2.00 vote, you get about $15 worth of instantly-downloadable digital goodness to use in your own scrapbooking. How great is that?

Anyway, if you're a digi-scrapper and want some cool stuff (or if you just really like my layout and want to vote for me), please head on over Scrapbook Graphics and vote. You'll have my eternal gratitude (and some cool digi stuff downloaded from them!)

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