Wednesday, July 16, 2008

90 Minutes of Colour

I woke up in a bit of a funk this morning. I want to go to St. Andrews, to Kingsbrae Garden, before "peak season" is over. Alas, the car does not run on Diet Pepsi (which is now cheaper than gas).

Still, at the suggestion of Hubby, I decided I'd head up to our Public Gardens with the camera and tripod and see what I could come up with. I'm pretty pleased with some of my shots (including this fun self-portrait).

Besides taking some pictures that make me smile, I learned a couple of things this morning. First of all, flowers still have the power to pull me out of a funk. Secondly, if you're carrying a tripod, people just automatically assume you know what you're doing.


Faye said...

With or without a tripod, I believe you DO know what you're doing. Gorgeous photography.

Rosie said...

Great phots... now what on earth is hooking? Obviously has nothing to do with red lights and street corners... *grins*