Sunday, April 17, 2011

Breaking the silence of imperfection.

"My Created Life is on hiatus for approximately one week.
See you again in early March!"

For the past seven weeks, that image has been taking the space of my blog.  My face, my voice, my presence -- that's been it.  And I haven't actually written a blog post since February 5.

I've been receiving the occasional tentative email ("Are you okay?!") because it's just not like me to go this long without writing something.  But there have been huge life changes since March 1, and when I shifted the blog to a new server, I wanted it to be brand-spankin' new!  Gorgeous!  Spectacular!  I wanted it to fully represent me and all my weird and wonderful facets!  I wanted to design the whole thing myself!  And I wanted it to be PERFECT.

And that, you see, was the problem.  I was paralyzed by fear of not being able to produce perfection.  And days turned into weeks, and weeks have somehow turned into nearly two months.  Two months of silence.  Of essentially being gagged by myself.

*   *   *

It's been three years since I first launched My Created Life, with the idea of "using what I have within to become who I want to be."  The destination has shifted a couple of times, but I never really got going.  Because I was scared -- of not being good enough.

But really and truly, it's time now.  I turned 41 in early March, and partway through February, during one of those quiet night shifts, I said to the Universe, "If I could find an office space -- not too expensive -- with heat, lights, Internet, and a bathroom, I'd go for it.  I'd take the flying leap."

The next day the Universe presented me with just that in the form of a Facebook status update from a friend.  So I gave my notice at work, rented the space the Universe had handed me with a big red bow, and now I have a studio where I write and create and dream.  I love my little studio, and I love the people who surround me.  But it has taken me almost two months to get this blog back online (because I was scared it wouldn't be good enough), and I still haven't gotten my Etsy shop up and running (because I'm scared my stuff won't be good enough).

Logically I know that people won't ridicule me.  No one is going to throw a virtual rotten egg, and no one will say, "Look at this crap KJ has made.  Who the hell does she think she is?"  But there are voices in my head from a long time ago, and my gut believes them even if my brain doesn't.

So I'm taking a big step here, folks.  I'm going to let you see that I'm imperfect.   I'm going to just put the blog back up as a complete mess because I can't find my old template and I still haven't created a new one I like yet.  Because I'm not going to be silenced by Fear any longer.  Those shrieky voices in my head can go back to their source, and anyone with unsolicited, unnecessary criticism can bite my ass.

Welcome back to My Created Life -- and to my happy little mid-life crisis.

I'm back, baby. :)


Liz Miller said...

Yesss!! All good. Life is messy,and full of glitches,and spanners thrown into the works. If we wait for the 'perfection' green light, we'll be dusty skeletons in the waiting room of time.
I'm looking forward to whatever you have to say.
Cheers, Liz

Angela Ranson said...

I have spent the last two years struggling to overcome the need for perfection. We can beat this! We can!

You go girl!

Karen said...

Just remember... We are all perfect because we all have imperfections. :-)

Johanne said...

Honey, it's perfect *just* because you're writing in it again. In the end, that's all that matters. I'm here if you need me and you know where to find me. :D

writerwoman61 said...

Welcome back to blogland, KJ! I have also been paralyzed by fun! Glad you gave it the boot!


Mar said...

You are perfect!!! :)

tulip said...

Remember: nobody is perfect!

Ivan said...

Great job Karen looks great. BTW that's a lot of topics. Well it shows diversity nobody can claim your boring.

Rebekah said...

It looks great. I'm so happy for you that you've started your thing there in your new space. The blog looks great. I don't know how to make WP-themes because I don't know anything about the .php stuff, but my theme now is so great so I don't need to. Otherwise I wouldn't be doing anything else.

The imperfection thing is a constant issue with me that I have to overcome each morning when I write.

Michel R Vaillancourt said...

I have a discussion with a friend of mine that amounts to them saying "hey, I did this for you... I hope it is good enough..."
My answer every time is "not only is it wonderful, its so much better than the I didn't have before now."

Waiting for perfection is the nightmare of our time. Life isn't perfect. Its messy, come as you are, full of holes, unscripted and has a lousy blooper reel. Have fun with it, and live for your now.

Laura-Jane said...

This is testament to the fact that sometimes 95% of success is just about showing up. Thanks for showing up! And good luck with the new studio space and leaving your job. Here's to the next phase of your life!

Angela Hemming said...

I can relate to this, too. That's why my new website took me about 8 months of thinking and tinkering before I figured I might as well just get the damn thing done. Very glad to see you're back online again. I'm a perfectionist too, but sometimes it leads to paralysis.

Gillian Barfoot said...

OK, two things.
One: you can call it crap, but that doesn't make it crap.
Two: living your dream is a farsight better than just dreaming about life. So boldly go.

BTW, I love the new shiny site.