Saturday, February 05, 2011

So, so quiet ...

2011-02-05My working the nightshift is great in many ways, and not so great in others.  The biggest problem I've noticed is that I have no life.  I work, I go home, I sleep and then I come back to work.  The bills are getting paid, but my life is a little dull at the moment, and this blog is suffering for it.

The other thing is that I always include a picture in my blog post.  Well, it's dark when I'm awake.  And if it happens to be light, there's a snowstorm in the way.  This winter has been absolutely wild for snowfall -- I haven't seen amounts like this since I was a kid in elementary school.

Anyway, I've had to resort to trying to draw rudimentary shapes with my mouse for this post.  On the plus side, if I ever need to make a stained glass graphic, I've now got the technique figured out.

My application package for the Library Technician program at the Nova Scotia Community College arrived yesterday, and then, at the grocery store,  I bumped into a "dog-dad" I know from the Bark Park.  He works in the reference department of the main branch of the library.  We talked a bit about my plans, and I left the meat department feeling very encouraged indeed!  I'm always on the look-out for good omens, so I'll take that chance meeting and run with it. :)

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