Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Next Dimension in Needle Felting

Needle-felted sheepLook what I made!

Isn't he adorable?!

And I only drew blood once!

Needle felting in 3D is a little more challenging than doing a flat project.  First of all, on a flat piece, the strands of fibre that follow the needle into the block get hidden when you sew it onto something, whereas in a 3D project, they tend to come out somewhere on the figure.  As a result, I have some stray black fibres on my little white sheep's back.  I'm sure that there's a way around this (and it might just be a matter of a different felting block than this beginner's chunk of plastic foam), and that with practice, it will be less of a problem.

Secondly, it's much easier to stab oneself when you're holding something between your fingers and jabbing a needle in between, instead of stabbing down into a block.  Just sayin'. :)

But self-maiming aside, I think it's safe to say that, after just two projects (the flower patch below and now my little friend here), I officially have a new means of creative expression.

I absolutely love needle felting!


Phantom Guru said...

Not baaaaaaaaad.

Oh come on, someone had to say it.

Suzanne Patterson said...

He's absolutely adorable!!!! It's amazing what you can do with a little imagination and a lot of determination. You go girl!!! You absolutely ROCK !!!!

Mar said...

OMG he is sooooooooo cute!!!!

Andrea Arbour said...

That's great!