Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Look, Ma! I'm famous!

Craftsperson of the Week - Uptown Saint JohnGuess who is Uptown Saint John's Craftsperson of the Week? :)

Things have been pretty busy the last week or so.  My husband's brother's family (did you follow that?) from Wainwright, Alberta was visiting.  Since these are some of my favourite people, and since they're normally so far away, I tried to spend as much time with them as I could.  Add in the usual errands, appointments, et cetera, and somehow this blog didn't get updated!

I've begun hooking on a new rug and it's coming along nicely.  When I was hooking on it at the lake, my niece fifteen-year-old niece Anna (from Alberta) was quite intrigued by the process, so I couldn't resist showing her just how easy it is.  If we'd had more time (this was two days before she left), I would have picked up a hook for her and sent her home with a project, but alas -- next time.  I've been itching to do another cross-Canada train trip, so maybe it can wait until then.

August 1st meant the beginning of a new six-month session of Ten-Minute Rughookers, and after straying from hooking for a while, I've recommitted!  (Well, okay -- "become re-obsessed" might be the more appropriate wording of it.)  Anyway, so far I've hooked at lease ten minutes every day since August 1st, and I intend to keep right on hooking.

On Saturday, I moved my few things out of the space at the City Market.  My month there had come to an end.  But what a month it was!  I learned so much up there -- about myself, about work habits, about being part of uptown life again.  I'm still processing all it means, but it was such an amazing experience and it's not an exaggeration to say it has changed my life.

Talk soon (and I mean it).

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I can fully fathom how good you must have felt up there, now that I've been there. What a spot! That was a good thing that you got recognized in the Uptown website. I too, felt good about that article in the Telegraph, but I don't think any of my fellow photo geeks saw it.

I really wish something would come up, so that you could get another [or the same] box there...

With regards to obsessions, Photoshop used to be mine. I lost it at some point, and now I don't even HAVE Photoshop. Should I get it back, I think the obsession would be back too LOL